Psyllium Husk AKA Metamucil Saved Our Puppy Dog

Dr. Michael Wood Jr.
7 min readOct 6, 2020

It was over ten years ago now, but it was an exciting and hopeful time. As a young family with a 5-year-old daughter, it was time for us to get a puppy. Officially the dog was for Jes and for Valentine’s day. Still, the puppy search was really something each of us was taking personally and felt was partly their own. Eventually, we all agreed on a Boxer and two final candidates. A beautiful traditional looking girl named Milkshake, and tiny black Boxer with white spots, a runt, with a slightly lopsided sided head that included a bump in the center. We just knew it, that little baby needed our love, and yes, I now know that there is no such thing as a black boxer; she is really just very heavily striped.

As a reminder of why I moved to Arizona, our new family member had to be flown in from Louisiana. The flight kept getting delayed over and over. The excitement would build and build, and then another damn snowstorm would come through. It ended up being 3 weeks or so of delays, finally, in what stands out to me as the most fantastic day of my life. Everything was just right that day.

We drove down to the airport and reported to the pickup location. In one of those plastic dog crates, sitting all the way in the back, was the cutest gosh darn little puppy you have ever set your eyes upon. We loaded the little baby on the cart, and our…



Dr. Michael Wood Jr.
Dr. Michael Wood Jr.

Written by Dr. Michael Wood Jr.

USMC, BPD(ret), author “The Business of Policing”

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